Guitar Amps


My longest tenure with another company was as Senior Service Engineer at Marshall Amplification at their world renowned Bletchley head office, factory and service centre. I spent every day of my working life there for 15 years looking after, fixing, servicing, troubleshooting any and every amp that was brought in. Can you imagine the volume and variety of models I have worked on! These have included personal favourite and touring workhorses of the very rich and the very famous. Put simply, I know my Marshalls. every one is different has it's own quirks and idiosyncrasies that need to be understood, respected and accommodated.  

In the repair shop I owned and ran prior to my Marshall tenure, and in a freelance capacity I have worked on every other major brand like Fender, Vox, Orange, Mesa Boogie, Blackstar, Hi-Watt, Laney, Hughes & Ketner, Peavey, Friedman,and probably most of the boutique amps.